Batgirl is the title of several superheroes under DC Comics and the female superhero companion around Batman. Bat girl first appeared in Batman 139 (April 1961), CO created by bill finger and Sheldon moldoff. The first bat girl is bette Kane, and the most famous bat girl is Barbara Gordon. As Batman's female companion, bat girl works with superheroes such as Robin to fight crime and maintain law and order in Gotham City.
In the 1950s, American psychologist Dr. Fredric wertham put forward the "harmful theory of comics", one of which is based on the fact that Batman and Robin live together, are homosexual and mislead children. This event led to the end of the golden age of American comics. Later, the authors successively created characters such as batwoman and batgirl to join the bat family and break the previous rumors.
Source: @giovanischenkel