“Beetlejuice” is a horror film directed by Tim Burton and starred by Michael Keaton, Alec Baldwin, Gina Davis, Jeffrey Jones and Catherine O’Hara. The film tells the story of a young couple who just died in an accident and became a ghost. They hired an exorcist from the underworld to try to scare away the new residents in the house.
“Beetlejuice”, through the bizarre world of the underworld, we can appreciate the director’s fantastic brain hole and extraordinary imagination, and add comic effects to the traditional ghost films. The image of “master beetle juice”, a spoof expert in the underworld, makes this haunted house interesting. As a work released in 1988, the film integrates comedy elements into horror and is unconventional. It has a better taste for today.
Maybe speaking of director Tim Bolton is not familiar to everyone, but you may all know Edward Scissorhands, big fish, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory… Their styles are mostly weird, fantastic and fascinating.
Source: @evil.chef