30 Unique Bowie Knife Tattoos For Your Inspiration

The heat of bowie knife has lasted for nearly two centuries. From its birth to equipping American special forces, it appeared in movies and popular games, was enthusiastically pursued by knife friends and collectors from all over the world, and was designed and evolved into various versions by hundreds of knife manufacturers and knife masters around the world.

Although Boye knife has many different variants, it has three common basic features. First, hand guard design; Second, reverse blade design; Third, the blade is narrow and long, and the size is large. Since the 19th century, Boye knife has been defined as "a universal knife based on fighting". It is long enough to use self-defense weapons; Sharp enough to be used as a hunting tool; It is wide enough to be used as an oar, strong enough to be used as a jungle knife, and heavy enough to replace an axe.

30 Unique Bowie Knife Tattoos For Your Inspiration

Source: @tattoosbyt