Chibi Maruko-chan is a TV animation produced by Japanese animation company. Its animation ranks among the top three ratings of Japanese animation for more than 20 years in a row. By 2013, it had exceeded 1000 episodes. It is still serially broadcast on Fuji TV station every Sunday at 6:00 p.m. in prime time. It is a national animation in the hearts of Japanese men, women, old and young. This work is based on the author's childhood life. The story revolves around xiaowanzi, his family and classmates. It is about family affection, friendship, or some small things in life, including laughter and tears, which reminds us of the childishness of childhood.
From 1990 to 1992, Chibi Maruko-chan was animated for the first time. It was broadcast on Fuji TV station, and reached 39.9% of the audience on October 28, 1990. On September 26, 1991, it became the most watched animation in Japanese history. The second animation started in 1995 and is still playing until 2005. On January 9, 2005, it celebrated its 15th anniversary.