Hatake Kakashi, a male character in the Japanese cartoon Naruto and its derivatives. Ninja Lord, the elite of Muye hidden village in the country of fire, is a member of the original Muye dark Department, a disciple of the fourth generation Huoying wave wind water gate, the leader of the seventh class, and a teacher of vortex Naruto, yuzhibo Sasuke and chunye Sakura.
At the age of 12, Hatake Kakashi became a gifted Ninja Lord. Later, his left eye was transplanted with the writing wheel eye of yuzhibo with earth. Because he used the writing wheel eye to copy thousands of ninja skills, he was called "copy Ninja" and "writing wheel eye Kakashi", and its name resounded all over the world. Here we have collected some Kakashi tattoos. Come and have a look with me.
Source: @abchoitattoo