Lucille Ball is a famous American comedian. In her life, she has been active in film, television, stage, radio and other media, and has become a symbol of an era of American culture. Some of her classic works, such as I love Lucy, the Lucy desi comedy hour and the Lucy show, are still often on the screen, bringing laughter to the audience.
In her life, Lucille Ball became one of the most popular and influential actors in the United States and one of the longest career actors in Hollywood. Lucille Ball began her acting career on TV in the 1930s. In the 1940s, she was not only a radio actor, but also a B-movie star. In the 1950s, Lucille Ball became a TV star, and she was still making movies until the 1970s. In 1962, Lucille Bauer became the first woman to run a television audio-visual company. Her company, de Xilu studio, created many popular TV series.
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